Lilian Wismayer

Pharma Advisor

          Lilian Wismayer, is a Maltese national and resident; holding a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) degree, an M.Phil in pharmacy Practice and a postgraduate Certificate in Hospital Management. Training in the UK, Norway and Sweden in the Pharmaceutical industry and regulatory field lead to responsibility of Government Pharmaceutical Services and later to the establishment of the Malta Medicines Authority in Malta. During her tenor as Director of the Medicines Regulatory Unit in the Medicines Authority in Malta, she was instrumental in the drafting and harmonising of the current Medicines Act which streamlined national legislation and also transposed European directives for the accession of Malta into the European Union in 2004.

          From 1980 to-date, as a visiting Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy in the University of Malta, she was responsible for introduction into the curriculum of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences, and Health Systems. Parallel to the organisation of various conferences, courses and seminars stemming from Clinical Pharmacy Courses, and regulatory affairs, Medicines Act and specifically Inspection of wholesale dealers.


International & Institutional Focus

          Lilian has held, various responsibilities, including among others: the Pharmacy Board, member of EMA Heads of Agencies, and WHO Malta Co-ordinator for the National Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring.